Author: Savita Tehlan

Advocate Savita Tehlan Image

Advocate Savita Tehlan is a practicing lawyer at Supreme Court of India, Delhi High Court and District Courts of Delhi in the field of Civil, Criminal, Corporate, Matrimonial and Family Laws, Industry & Labour Laws, Intellectual Property Rights (Trademark/Copyright) and related cases.


Effects and Legal Recourse for Non-Compliance with Settlement in Cheque Bounce Cases

With the surge in electronic monetary transactions and the increase in issuance of cheques during business dealings, there has been a corresponding increase in criminal complaints filed under Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 (hereinafter referred to as the NI Act), commonly known as cheque dishonour or cheque bounce cases. In examining the statutory framework governing the settlement...

Misuse of Section 498-A of IPC by Women – Incriminating Innocent Persons

Section 498-A of Indian Penal Code was introduced with the aim of criminalising cruelty against women by their husband and his relatives, ensuring protection and justice for victims of domestic violence. However, an alarming trend has emerged where the provision is being misused by some women to settle personal scores with their husbands and relatives. This has led to a...